SyncWare Products​


AlarmSync Software is an analytics tool compliant with international standards which integrate with modern control systems to help industries monitor alarm floods, standing alarms, and nuisance alarms as a single platform to achieve Alarm Rationalization

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LVS Sync software is a utility tool that sets on the Top of the Operator Screen to monitor critical alarms. It helps to reduce the risk of alarms being overlooked by keeping the LVS Sync Window in front of the operator & segregate the alarms band wise based on the criticality and respect to take a quick response.

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HistSync software captures & stores the high fidelity industrial Process data to unlock the trapped potentials for operational improvements. It is a fully configurable & user-friendly tool comprised of Live screens, dashboards, and reporting.


Doc Sync is a web-based standalone engineering tool to design database & documentation of Process Plants as-built data such as engineering drawings, Nest Loading documents, CAD Files & user manuals. It helps users to manage the entire documents in a Single place in searchable & editable format.


Utility Sync Software is a tool for users to capture the data from devices like energy meters, analyzers, PLC, and field instruments to monitor & Optimize various parameters of plant utilities. It also bridges the gap between the devices communicating over the OPC like OPC DA, OPC UA, OPC AE, & OPC HDA to enhance the efficiency & productivity of plant Operations.

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